
Showing posts from April, 2021

Facts about food

  Coffee beans can help eliminate bad breath. India has the lowest meat consumption in the world. Nutritious food is more expensive than junk food. You could survive only by drinking breast milk. Eating fast food regularly has the same impact on the liver as hepatitis.

Facts about Flower

  It takes two thousand roses to produce one gram of rose oil. Vanilla flowers only open once for 2-3 hours and require hand pollination to produce a bean. Tulips make great salad ingredients. Lilies are beautiful flowers, but they are highly toxic for cats. Doll’s Eye is a plant that's native to northeast America. Its name comes from its berries, which resemble eyeballs.

Favts about Vegetables

  Broccoli contains more protein than steak. Potatoes produce fruits that look like small green tomatoes. Don’t eat them, because they contain a neurotoxin called solanine that can cause hallucinations, paralysis or even death. Potatoes, eggplants and tomatoes are all in the nightshades family. They are all poisonous except for the part we actually eat. Cauliflower comes in multiple colors. Potatoes are 80% water.

Interesting facts about Fruit

  Half a cup of figs have the same amount of calcium as half a cup of milk. Eggplants are actually fruits and not veggies. In fact, they are botanically known as berries. The seeds of lychee are poisonous and should not be consumed. One pomegranate can hold more than 1000 seeds. Drinking Grapefruit juice while taking some prescription medications can cause instant overdose and death.

Facts about Tree

  A large oak tree can consume about 100 gallons of water per day, and a giant sequoia can drink up to 500 gallons daily. Trees remove pollution from the atmosphere, improving air quality and human health. Trees provide vital wildlife habitat. Some trees don’t have a growth ceiling. Trees help each other to ward off predators.

Car facts

90 percent of drivers admit to signing behind the wheel. The first cars did not have steering wheels. They were operated by a lever. It takes half an ounce of gas to start a car. Most car horns beep in the key of “F”. The world’s first automobile was developed by Carl Benz in 1885.

Phobia list

Bacteriophobia - Fear of bacteria Barophobia - Fear of gravity Bibliophobia - Fear of books Botanophobia - Fear of plants Cacophobia - Fear of ugliness

Facts about Animals

  Cows painted with zebra-like stripes can avoid being bitten by flies. Capuchin monkeys wash their hands and feet in urine. Sperm whales in the Caribbean have an accent. Some pigs in China are the size of bears. Some snails have hairy shells.

Facts about Flower

  One of the world's rarest, largest, smelliest, and strangest looking flowers is the titan arum, or corpse flower. sunflower stems were used to fill life jackets. Floating sunflower rafts have been used to clean up water contamination from the Chernobyl disaster. Daffodils are used as currency. The Yarrow flower is known for its healing properties and was used in World War 1 to help heal soldier’s wounds. The humble and sweet daisy has loads of medicinal properties, including relieving indigestion, easing coughs, slowing bleeding and easing back pain.

Amazing facts about Tree

  One tree can absorb as much carbon in a year as a car produces while driving 26,000 miles. a single tree can absorb one ton of carbon dioxide. Earth has more than 60,000 known tree species. The first known tree was a leafless, fern-like plant from New York. Trees in a forest can 'talk' and share nutrients through an underground internet built by soil fungi.

facts about birds

  Penguins can jump as high as 6 feet in the air. An albatross can sleep while it flies. The most talkative bird in the world is the African Grey Parrot. The rarest bird in the world is a duck called the Madagascar Pochard. Owls cannot move their eyes.

Facts about Car

  The U.S. consumes about half of the world’s gasoline. Ferrari manufactures a maximum of 14 cars a day. The first windshield wipers were hand-operated. The most commonly stolen vehicle is the Honda Accord. White is the most popular car color.

Phobia list

  Aphenphosmphobia - Fear of being touched Arachnophobia - Fear of spiders Atychiphobia - Fear of failure Astraphobia - Fear of thunder and lightning Ataxophobia - Fear of disorder or untidiness

Amazing facts about Animal

  Parrots will selflessly help each other out. Female lions do 90 percent of the hunting. The world's oldest known breed of domesticated dog dates back to 329 BC. The oldest evidence of domesticated cats dates back 9,500 years. Puffins use twigs to scratch their bodies.

Facts about Food

  No one knows the origin of chocolate chip cookies. Margherita pizza is named after a queen. Thomas Jefferson made pasta popular in the U.S. Food is allowed to contain some amount of insects . Coffee is the main source of antioxidants for Americans.

Amazing facts about Flower

  Flowering nicotiana is related to tobacco, from which cigarettes are made. Gas plants produce a clear gas on humid, warm nights. Broccoli is actually a flower. Some plants such as orchids do not need soil to grow-they get all of their nutrients from the air. Some plants produce toxic substances that kill other plants around them-the sunflower is an example.

Interesting facts about fruits

  Red -coloured fruits keep your heart strong. Yellow -coloured fruits prevent you from getting sick. Green -coloured fruits help in making your bones and teeth strong. Purple and blue fruits help enhance memory. Orange -coloured fruits tend to keep your eyes healthy.

Intersting facts about Trees

Trees block noise by reducing sound waves. Trees can help to reduce stress.  Trees can help you find your way if you get lost in the woods. Well-kept landscapes with trees increase property value. Trees improve water quality.

Amazing facts about birds

  The very expensive spice, saffron, comes from a type of crocus flower. The largest flower in the world is the titan arums, which produce flowers 10 feet high and 3 feet wide. The lotus was considered a sacred flower by ancient Egyptians and was used in burial rituals. The juice from bluebell flowers was used historically to make glue. Moon flowers bloom only at night, closing during the day.

Interesting facts about car

  The man who invented cruise control was blind. The Hennessey Venom GT is the world’s fastest production car. The average car is made up of 30,000 parts. The slowest car in the world is the Peel P50, manufactured by Peel Engineering. The best selling car of all-time is the Toyota Corolla.

5 Amazing Phobia list

  Achluophobia - Fear of darkness Acrophobia - Fear of heights Aerophobia - Fear of flying Algophobia - Fear of pain Anthrophobia - Fear of flowers

Interesting facts about Animal

  1. A crocodile can’t poke its tongue out. 2. Male cats have longer tails than female cats. 3. Squirrels forget where they hide about half of their nuts. 4. Wolves can go for more than a week without eating.  5. Koala fingerprints are so close to humans' that they could taint crime scenes.

Facts about Insect

  1. Butterflies taste with their feet. 2. Grasshoppers have special organs in their hind legs that store energy for jumping. 3. A hornet’s favourite food is a…bee! 4. The red postman butterfly develops its own poison by eating toxic plants! 5. Male giraffe weevils use their long necks to fight each other.

Facts about Food

  1. Honey is bee vomit. Reason : Bees  collect nectar from flowers and they store it in their  honey  stomach, also known as the crop.  So,  honey  is really the  vomit  of many  bees  combined. 2. In ancient Egyptian days, radishes, onions, and garlic were given to workers as wages. Reason : These  were provided to workers  because they helped with infectious diseases.  3. French fries originated in Belgium, not in France! 4. Twinkie cream isn’t cream at all. Reason: 5. Strawberries are not berries. Reason : Strawberries  and raspberries aren't really  berries  in the botanical sense. They are derived from a single flower with more than one ovary, making them an aggregate fruit. ... But  no , they're actually considered a  berry , too—with one, giant seed. 

Facts about Flower

  1.A sunflower looks like one large flower, but each head is composed of hundreds of tiny flowers called florets, which ripen to become the seeds. 2. Tulip bulbs were more valuable than gold in Holland in the 1600s. 3. Ancient civilizations burned aster leaves to ward off evil spirits. 4.Tulip bulbs can be substituted for onions in a recipe. 5. Chrysanthemums are associated with funerals in Malta and are considered unlucky.

Facts about Vegetables

  1.The tears during cutting an onion are caused by sulfuric acid present in them. 2. The first potatoes were cultivated in Peru about 7,000 years ago! 3. Cabbage has 91% water content. 4. Eating lots of onions will make you sleepy, as it acts as a sedative! 5. Potatoes were the first vegetable to be grown in space. ..